hello i'm Makrand

A passionate Information Technology graduate, deeply immersed in the world of
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Natural Language Processing.
With a strong foundation in Python and C++,
whether it's making computers understand languages or creating cool AI applications,
I'm all in! Let's leverage the power of AI and make some tech magic happen!

I'm a Passionate Data Scientist an AI & DS Explorer committed to continuous learning

About Me

Hello! I'm Makrand Dhanokar, a graduate in Information Technology with a CGPA of 9.4 from SPPU. My interest lies in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Natural Language Processing. I have a keen passion for basketball and cricket, and I also find joy in playing the piano and enjoy playing computer games in my free time.I have a background in martial arts, where I hold a state-level title.

Committed to community service, I've spent three years as an NSS volunteer and served as the ex-International Service Director at the Rotaract Club of PESMCOE-IT. Join me on this platform to explore my journey, projects, and the intersection of academia and technology in my life. Welcome to my portfolio!

Download CV


Machine learning

Solid foundation in machine learning, specializing in data analytics, predictive modeling, decision analytics, feature engineering, data pre-processing, and ML algorithms like regression, SVM, KNN, decision trees, and ensemble methods with hands-on applications.

Deep learning

Good understanding of deep learning, including DNNs, RNNs, CNNs, LSTMs, and Deep Belief Networks. Skilled in TensorFlow, PyTorch, transfer learning, reinforcement learning, and techniques like dynamic programming and Monte Carlo methods.

Natural Language Processing

Experienced in NLP and CV, including language understanding, computational linguistics, and ML/DL tools like NLTK, Word2Vec, and BERT. Skilled in chatbot development, object detection (RCNN, Mask RCNN), and image recognition.


Good understanding of Python programming, including syntax, data types, control flow, functions, and libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn. Experienced in OOP, exception handling, Flask, Django, and web development frameworks.


Understanding of concepts like pointers, memory management, templates, and the Standard Template Library (STL), with a focus on efficient implementation of Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA).


topics with a focus on Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) include classes, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction. Additionally, key topics like exception handling, multithreading, collections framework, and Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

